Raymond Larson, BA, Masters, D’Min
Business & Financial experience in 'doing' rather than 'theory'.
Raymond was introduced to the business world through the influence of his grandfather who was very influential in both Hollywood and businesses. His family built the Rose Bowl parade floats for decades. Through his own successful business and financial experience Raymond now counsels and coaches others to break out of cycles and into financial freedom for both ‘For-profit’ and ‘Not-for-profit’ ventures.
His personal journey is like many others who faced challenges and obstacles and needed guidance to find a way up. It began when he was 16 years of age and he experienced freedom from a traumatic life as a foster child. It was then he was introduced to authentic ‘love’ and purpose. He has been driven to expose others to the truth and freedom, as there is a love that brings healing and restoration which affects all of our choices in life.
Raymonds guidance as Executive Director serves the 7 Degree Team well as we expand our services in The Connection Point here in Reno NV, where coaches empower people in all walks of life to flourish and thrive and live at their full potential.